Sake Cabinet

Following a trip to Japan in the spring of 2023, Japanese design has been a major influence on the work that we’ve done. The idea behind this project was to make a small, self-contained cabinet to hold four sake cups, a sake serving bottle, and any accessories needed for the enjoyment of the special bottle of sake held in the cabinet’s left compartment.

The piece is made of cherry and maple with brass hardware. The case itself is made from cherry wood that we bought and saved for a special project. The doors are a maple kumiko lattice, framed by cherry, with handmade washi paper and glass behind the kumiko.

Initially I was going to buy off the shelf or commission the sake set, but decided that it might be fun to attempt to make them myself. The closest I had ever gotten to making ceramics before was playing with Play-Doh when I was 5 years old. It took 3 months of watching YouTube videos, some very patient instruction from a master potter, and lots of weekend practice, but in the end I was able to make four cups and a bottle that I thought did justice to the beautiful cabinet that Asa made.


Pottery Bench